Tagged: Karl Urban

New Dredd 3D poster

Next month sees the release of the Judge Dredd reboot, which is entitled ‘Dredd 3D’.

Dredd is the new big screen adaption of the UK’s most popular comic-book ‘2000AD’ which features the future lawman known as Judge Dredd. Karl Urban will play Dredd as he patrols the streets of Megacity-one.

Lionsgate have recently released a new poster for the movie that shows Dredd standing in front of the devastated cityscape of Megacity-one. Dredd 3D poster

1995’s ‘Judge Dredd’ starring Stallone and directed by Danny Cannon held a lot of promise with its visuals but sadly never delivered on the big screen. From what we have seen of the trailer we believe that ‘Dredd 3D’ will finally give the futuristic lawman the box office smash that he deserves.

Judgement is coming to the UK September 7, 2012.

Source:Yahoo! Movies.